Felix Higher Education (FHE) which is the higher education arm of FRTC launched this journal in June
The establishment of Felix Higher Education and Training (Pty) Ltd (FHE), emerges out of a context of a private FET which has successfully operated for a decade in the banking and related sectors, to offer education for about 5 600 of adult working people, many receiving certification at NQF Level 4 and NQF Level 5. In this, it has prioritised skills development, soft skills, empowerment, education for career progression, in the context of the changing demands of the banking and related economic sectors.
It is in this context that FHE, as a private Higher Education Institution, will make its programmes available to students in South Africa,where the programmes will contribute towards developing the skills of the graduates.
Visit us at felix-he.co.za for more information.
The Editorial team of JBIMS is inviting researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their research, to be published in a peer reviewed research journal. All submitted papers will be double peer reviewed and published initially in print version only initially and on-line as well at a later stage. The journal welcomes papers in banking, insurance, finance as well as the wide field of management sciences.
Journal papers should be emailed to
[email protected] titled: JBIMS Journal Paper inclusion.