FHE embodies the FRTC motto that “Education is for Everyone!”. We aim to provide training services
that are of high-quality standards and which meet the needs and expectations of our clients, thereby
opening opportunities for mutual growth and prosperity of all stakeholders.
The establishment of Felix Higher Education (FHE) emerges out of a context of a private FET which has successfully run for the last 12 years in the banking and related sectors to offer education for about 5600 of adult working people, many receiving certification at NQF Level 4 and NQF Level 5. In this, it has prioritised skills development, soft skills, empowerment, education for career progression, in the context of the changing demands of the banking and related economic sectors.
It is critical that all university and FHE graduates are better prepared to adjust to the emergent and changing demands related to the 4th Industrial Revolution and to the impact of the future of work exigencies which are occurring, and which will have an impact in the coming 20 years and beyond. It is difficult to comprehensively imagine how the workplace will be configured over the next 20 years, the impact of changing knowledge aside, in terms of the ubiquitous advances brought by technology, including the type and form which business and related services will assume. In fact, there is compelling evidence that the marketplace is undergoing and will continue to undergo significant changes in the coming decades – it is, indeed, an unknown and uncertain future.
It is in this context that FHE, as a private higher education institution, will make its programmes available to students in South Africa, where each programme will meaningfully contribute towards developing the skills in graduates’ local work contexts.
There are a number of factors which signal the importance of developing and offering robust academic programmes at the entry levels to higher education to offer opportunities to those in the workplace for them to advance their knowledge, skills and competencies in terms of those attributes required to advance their career opportunities in an increasingly constrained and competitive marketplace. Workers are increasingly conscious of a workforce context which is influenced by, for example, challenging national and international economic conditions; the increasingly wider application of technology especially in the business and related sectors; the impact of online services and the recent high retrenchments in all sectors increased unemployment to 29% and the lack of available skills in project management.
Besides the above contextual factors, the business sector and related services staff recognise that sound project management is at the heart of business and high-quality service delivery. Consequently, current students at the institution have expressed the desire to continue their studies in higher education through seeking relevant knowledge to support and respond to their work environments. Having completed SETA accredited Level 4 and Level 5 qualifications, or equivalent qualifications, graduates wish to continue to obtain higher education qualifications.
Developing the required skills for any economy entails providing access to relevant management programmes, which is a key objective of the FHE Higher Certificate in Project Management.
• Qualification offered are driven & motivated by Industry demand and the National Master Scarce Skills list for South Africa. Hence upon successful completion of programmes, students have greater opportunities to enter into the Labour markets.
• Qualified industry subject matter experts appointed as academics who are ever willing to nurture the students that embark on their knowledge seeking journey.
• Offers High Quality Teaching and Learning resources that ignites and produces agile, aligned, and engaged leaders.
• Learn from anywhere and at any time through our dedicated innovative technology driven learning platform that is user friendly and provides high quality content along with the various online library and reference resources.
• Programme roll out designed to provide well rounded growth with exposure into the current trends of the industry.
• Qualification offered are driven & motivated by Industry demand and the National Master Scarce Skills list for South Africa. Hence upon successful completion of programmes, students have greater opportunities to enter into the Labour markets.
• Qualified industry subject matter experts appointed as academics who are ever willing to nurture the students that embark on their knowledge seeking journey.
• Offers High Quality Teaching and Learning resources that ignites and produces agile, aligned, and engaged leaders.
• Learn from anywhere and at any time through our dedicated innovative technology driven learning platform that is user friendly and provides high quality content along with the various online library and reference resources.
• Programme roll out designed to provide well rounded growth with exposure into the current trends of the industry.
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Felix Higher Education and Training (Pty) Ltd. As a forward-looking institution, we are committed to promoting transformation and guaranteeing the sustainability of our institution by striving for excellence in all we do. FHE is currently engaged in applications for additional Higher Education qualifications across the board. As such, we look forward to welcoming highly motivated individuals who will not only develop personally but also in their careers and so contribute to the advancement of society and the organisations they work for. FHE’s vision is to be best-in-class and the preferred provider in the Banking, Finance and Accounting, Business Management, and Insurance Industries in South Africa. This is achieved by:
• Access to high quality, value based educational experiences to students from all sectors of society, while emphasizing multicultural diversity and international perspectives.
• Recruiting and retaining faculty and staff who will provide the best teaching and lifelong experiences to the students.
• Creating a culture of continuous student satisfaction and high-performance standard achievement in a vibrant classroom.
• Produce graduates for the entire world of work with confidence coupled with much needed skill sets and knowhow.
I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our Institution and I wish you every success in
your academic career.
Bernadette Felix
According to its mission statement, “[I]n the belief that education is for everyone, the mission of FHE is to design and provide superior and accessible quality and values-based education where, as part of life long learning, is recommended by our graduates and endorsed by our corporate clients seeking long-term returns on investment.”
In pursuit of this mission, FHE:
• Allocates its resources to the pursuit of quality, equity, and excellence in empowering people by providing opportunities to advance their careers and to reskill, develop and formalize their management competences.
• Caters for the education and training needs of all South African society specifically young Black rural women by providing quality Higher Education accredited programmes.
• Offers quality financial education and training programmes to allow graduates to compete in the marketplace, transfer skills and develop an entrepreneurial spirit in South Africa.
• Serves the South African economy through academic and training programmes responsive to the unique needs of its people and their goals.
• Benchmarks its learning and teaching against leading national and international higher education practice.
• Maintains a quality of service that maximisers the realization of student potential (including attention to the graduate attributes), both in the private and public sectors, by responding to the changing needs of the labour market and aligned to the “thuma mina” call by government leadership;
• Contributes to the national transformation process of higher education in Southern Africa.
• Promotes opportunity, equality, and social justice irrespective of race, colour, creed, or gender.
Felix Higher Education and Training (Pty) Ltd has identified the following as its core values:
• Social and economic transformation.
• Delivering high-quality education.
• Fostering lifelong learning.
• High standard of integrity and ethics.
• Respectful and people centred.
In line with the vision, the priorities are to:
• Offer quality education programmes is responsive to social and economic justice imperatives and to market needs
• Establish a fit-for-purpose and service-oriented institution
• Support sustainable environment good practice
The mission statement of the Institution aims at translating its vision into action by:
• Facilitating a stimulating academic environment of lifelong learning, teaching and continuous research through quality improvements in a dynamic environment,
• Providing a foundation of skills, knowledge and versatility that will last a lifetime, despite a changing environment.
Felix Higher Education and Training (Pty) Ltd programmes are accredited by the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) of the Council on Higher Education (CHE); and Felix Higher Education and Training (Pty) Ltd programmes are recorded on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
B-BBEE Recognition: Level 1 contributor to BBBEE
BEE Procurement Recognition Level: 135%
Black Ownership: 100%
Black Women Ownership: 100%
Empowering Supplier: Yes
As a 100% black woman owned Level 1 QSE, a key focus for FHE is to consult with all clients on the optimisation of their scorecard and can positively impact areas such as skills development, enterprise development, supplier development, preferential procurement and socio-economic development. We will assist you in utilising your BEE spend by upskilling your staff through FHE Learnership programmes and skills programs.